Calling All Dreamers!

Skydive Mossel Bay is calling for the dreamers – those who have always said, “one day, I’m going to make a skydive”, or more directly have declared, “one day I’m going to become a skydiver.” If you are one of these people who have thought about this, but life has gotten in the way of you pursuing this dream, then we invite you to listen closely:

We’re offering the opportunity of a lifetime!

Exclusively, during the month of November, Skydive Mossel Bay is offering a static line first jump course for only R300! This program is usually priced at R1600! Without exaggeration, there is no program like this for this price in the world. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by if you’ve ever dreamed of skydiving!

Why Are We Doing This?

Simply stated, to grow the sport of skydiving in South Africa. Skydive Mossel Bay has hosted skydivers from all over South Africa and the world, but if the coronavirus has shown us anything, it’s that we have to do more to grow the sport in this country. It’s our hope that this amazing offer will attract those who have dreamed about skydiving but have needed that extra spark to turn up that motivation.

This is that spark.

What is Static Line Training?

Static line training is a teaching methodology that takes you from novice to in the air in a single day! The course begins with a ground school in the morning followed by your jump in the afternoon. You’ll exit from 3,500 feet and your parachute will be deployed via a static line that’s attached to your parachute and the plane. This form of training teaches you the fundamentals which will spring you forward to becoming a licensed skydiver!

Are There Any Restrictions?

There are a few restrictions and they are as follows:

  • Participants must be at least 16 years of age
  • Participants must weigh less than 100kg
  • Participants must be in good health

How Do I Get Started?

Beginning this adventure couldn’t be any easier. Simply send inquiries here or call Monica on 082 824 8599.