Club Clash FS 2-Way virtual competition

Show us what you have. Show us what your club has got.
The Club Clash FS 2-Way virtual competition is for everyone, at any club in South Africa and it is all happening on 25 March.

What is it all about?

It is a one day, 3-round 2-way competition for teams from around the country competing at their home clubs for club victory and individual team victory. Each club will have a representative to submit your videos online to the central judges room.

Live streaming

The live judging will be streamed throughout the day from 10am when jumps start rolling in until victory is declared. Get it onto a big screen at the club or follow on your phone.
Got something to say? Perhaps a bit of club-spirit or smack-talk for rival clubs? Submit that to your rep during the day and we will air it over the live stream.

2-ways to win

Prizes will be thrust upon the victorious club and the victorious team.
Club winner: The club with the best average across all their teams. So structure your club teams smartly to nab your club the prize.
Team winner: The team with the highest total over 3 rounds. No weighting, no mercy, the best team takes the loot.

All or nothing

On Saturday night, a winner will be declared over live stream, come what may. There will be tears, beers, high-fives and come-back plots, but no second chances or extensions. Revenge and come-backs will have to wait for the next one.

How to enter

Teams cannot have more than 1 jumper with 500 jumps.

All rounds must be done by the same 2 team members.

Email Monica for more details: or call on +27 (0)82 824 8599